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Eye Exams in Johnson City & Binghamton

Comprehensive eye exams

Having a comprehensive eye exam is important not only to determine if you are near or farsighted, but also to screen for Glaucoma and detect other ocular diseases which can strike at any age. Many of these eye diseases are preventable if diagnosed and treated early. If you are over 35, we recommend that you have a comprehensive eye examination every two years. For patients over 65, a yearly eye exam is recommended. During an eye exam, it may be necessary to dilate the pupils of your eyes, making it difficult for you to drive a car after your appointment. You may want to make transportation arrangements.

Contact Lenses and Eyewear

In the midst of an industry where you most frequently find quality and service coming second to sales, the doctors at Sambursky Eye & Esthetics maintain the values of quality. Dr. Gary Pisanchyn and Dr. Steven Goldenberg, our Optometrists, along with our licensed opticians apply the latest technology to fit you for comfort, fashion and the clearest vision possible. To ensure the integrity of your prescription, we provide quality products at a reasonable price with emphasis on maintaining service.

Thousands of Styles to Choose from

The staff at Sambursky Eye & Esthetics cares for your contact lens and eyeglass needs with a professional commitment that has helped establish us as a premiere eye care provider for Greater Binghamton residents. We offer literally thousands of reasonably priced eyewear options with various warranties, ensuring a perfect match for any need you may have.

Schedule a Comprehensive Eye Exam Today

Schedule today to get a comprehensive eye exam from experienced ophthamologists.  Fill out the form on this page or call (607) 200-3221 to schedule your consultation.


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  • Your information will never be shared with any 3rd party.